Laboratory Test Request

Naphthalene EPA In-Vivo Neurotoxicity Studies

Project Description

EPA Environmental Toxicology Laboratory needed for the following in-vivo toxicity testing of naphthalene
1 Non Guideline Acute Neurotoxicity Mannal
2 870.3465 90 days inhalation Rat
3 870.6200 Acute Neurotoxicity (oral) Rat
4 870.6200
subchronic neurotoxicity inhalation
5 870.7800 Immunotoxicity
6 Non Guideline 4 week inhalation rat
7 Non Guideline 90days Neurtoxicity-mammal
8 850.1075 Freshwater Acute Toxicity
9 850.1010 invertebrate toxicity
10 Non Guideline Indoor Air Monitoring
11 875.2500 Inhalation Exposure
12 835.2120 Hydrolysis
13 835.1230
Sediment and soil

Project Information



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