Laboratory Test Request

REACH Metal Characterization

Project Description

Metallurgical Laboratory needed for characterization of alloys of FeSiBa and FeSiCeLa for REACH purpose including the following analyses

Ce:-Qualitative Analysis
X-Ray diffraction analysis (XRD) can be used to confirm the identity of the substance
Quantitative Analysis:
X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF)
inductively coupled plasma (ICP) techniques can be used for elemental analysis
a:-XRF and XRDBa:-XRD and XRFF
Si: -ISO 5445 ?Methods: 4139 and 4158-The Si is precipitated like Potassium Hexafluorsilicate and analyzed by titrimetric method with sodium hydroxide.

Others metallic impurities are analyzed by ICP - Inductively coupled plasma -Carbon and sulphur analyzed by infra-red (JIS G 1312)-Acid digestion ICP-XRF calibrated to international standards

Project Information



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