Laboratory Test Request

Lab Partner Needed for Nrf2 Reporter Model Ring Trial

Project Description

Netherlands / Europe laboratories needed to participate in a ring trial or a similar study as part of a publicly funded project. As part of a Dutch-German tender, we wish to validate our Nrf2 reporter epidermis model per established regulatory procedures and to enable a timely regulatory acceptance or approval as a new guideline by the OECD. Special features of our Nrf2 epidermis model for the assessment of sensitization are

  • the read-out of the AOP via a reporter secreted into the culture medium and
  • the extended range of application compared to conventional skin sensitization NAMS, which includes e.g. hydrophobic chemicals and mixtures.

We would very much like to submit a proposal to the BMBF/ZonMw tender.

Project Information


Industry:Healthcare and Medical

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Biomaterials,Clinical Research,Clinical Trials,Healthcare and Medical,Laboratories or Research Facilities,Life Sciences

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