Laboratory Test Request

Shipping Distribution Testing on Packaged Tablets

Project Description


BUDGET APPROVED ($5,000-$10,000)

Need a NJ / USA-based DEA-compliant facility to conduct shipping distribution testing on our packaged shipper containing tablets of two strengths (5 and 20mg). The shipper cases need to be tested per ASTM tests:

  • ASTM D4169-23 E1, DISTRIBUTION CYCLE 2 - Assurance level 2, Schedule A Initial Manual Handling
  • ASTM D5276-19. Box, Schedule C Vehicle Stacking
  • ASTM D642- 20.LTL/Small, Schedule E Vehicle Vibration
  • ASTM D4728- 17.

Each shipper case packaging configuration comprises 6 bottles (each containing 30 tablets, cotton coils, and a desiccant) & each bottle packaged in a foam and carton. Our tablets are under Schedule 2 which are controlled drug substances so the facility needs to be DEA-compliant.

Please let us know your quote for this study.

Project Information


Industry:Packages and Packaging

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Manufacturing and Production,Packages and Packaging,Packaging - Bottles,Packaging - Cartons

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