Allograft Prototype Production and Testing
Project Description
Start-Up Company needs Medical Device Biological Laboratory for producing and testing allograft prototypes.
Project Information
Industry:Medical Implants
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Other medical implants laboratory services.
Other Medical Implants testing, analysis, scientific research and development, inspection, certification, engineering, failure investigation, and product development needs include :
- Biocompatiability Testing
- Degradation Testing
- Endurance Properties Testing
- Radiopacity for Medical Use Testing
- Contact Allergens Testing
- Primary Skin Irritation Testing
- Direct Contact Cell Culture Evaluation Testing
- Hemolytic Properties Testing
- Total Joint Prostheses Testing
- compression Testing
- tension Testing
- shear Testing
- particle analysis Testing
- ion release Testing
- corrosion Testing
- fretting corrosion analysis Testing
- Tissue Compatibility Testing
- Cell Compatibility Testing
- Gravimetric Wear Assessment Testing
- Cyclic Fatigue Testing
- Stereological Evaluation Testing
- Biological Response to Particles In Vitro Testing
- Selected Tissue Effects Testing
- Accelerated Aging Testing
- Transformation Temperature Testing
- Intrinsic Elastic Recoil Testing
- Corrosion Susceptibility Testing
- Delayed Contact Hypersensitivity Testing
- Degree of Deacetylation Testing
- Burst Strength Testing
- Wound Closure Strength Testing
- Behind-the-Knee (BTK) Skin Irritation Testing
- Hemocompatibility Assessment Testing
- Neurotoxicity Testing
- Small Punch Testing
- Spread of Fixed Cells Testing
- Galvanic Corrosion Testing
- Cell-Material Adhesive Interactions Testing
- Collagen-Cell Interactions Testing
- Osteoblast Differentiation Assays Testing
- Cleaning Process Validation Testing
- Testing