To Buy: Laboratory Instruments & Equipment
Project Description
We are looking to purchase multiple laboratory instrument units:
- OMRON 10 Series Wireless Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor
- 3M Littmann Classic III Stethoscope (Any Colour)
- Ohaus MB120 Moisture Analyser 120G X 0.001G/0.01%
- Fuji Nx600 Fully Automated Dri-Chemistry Analyzer
- Hematology Analyzer Mindray BC-5000 With Accessories
- Glycated Fully Automated HB Analyzer
- Abbott i-STAT Portable Clinical Analyser
- Abbott i-STAT 1 Wireless Analyzer Blood Analyzer
- Olympus CX43 LED Phase Contrast Microscope
- Olympus CX23 Microscope standard configuration
- Real Time PCR Machine DNA / Test Machine
- Eppendorf PCR Machine 96-Well
- PCR Machine 96wells
- Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) fully- & semi-automatic
If yes, You can supply or source any of the items for us to get back with pricing and availability.
Provide us the pricing for the stated items and we take it from there.
Please advise. I look forward to your response.
Project Information
Industry:Laboratory Instruments & Equipment