Laboratory Test Request

Magnesium Covered Iron Nanoparticles for Research on Microbial Fuel Cells

Project Description

Third Party Testing Facility needed to manufacture magnesium covered iron nanoparticles for research on microbial fuel cells by way of the following method:

Mg/Fe nanoparticles were synthesized applying the modified
controlled thermal deposition (CTD) approach. Initially, 1 g/L Fe0/
ethanol solution was set up by disintegrating 0.1 g of Fe0 in 100 mL of
ethanol for 30 min using the ultrasonication technique. Second, coatingion
Mg2+ solution and OH? /ethanol were successively introduced into
the Fe/ethanol mix at a precise infusion rate. Ionic concentrations in the
prepared two solutions were maintained constant, whereas the injected
volumes were changed, aiming different coating ratios (Mg/Fe: 0.1, 0.2,
0.5, and 1.0 (wt/wt)) and keeping the molar ratios during the precipitation
process as following:
Mg2++2OH? ?Mg(OH)2?(OH? /Mg2+:2) (2)
Ultrasonication (38 kHz, 100 W) and nitrogen gas purging were
maintained for the entire coating procedure at 50 ± 1.0 ?C. After a 1-h
aging time, the coated Fe0 precipitates were rinsed three times with
ethanol and filtered through a 0.45 ?m paper filter (Millipore, Sigma-
Aldrich Inc., USA) joined with three times washing by DDIW.
The X-ray diffraction characterization was achieved to evaluate the
crystallinity and the chemical configuration of bare and coated Fe0 using
(XRD, TTR, Rigaku Inc., Japan) with Cu K? radiation at 40 kV/ 200 mA
(? = 0.15418 nm) and scanning rate of 3? min? 1 over scanning range
between 3? and 90?. For morphology investigation, transmission electron
microscopy (TEM, JEM-ARM 200F, JEOL Co., Japan) was used.
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) spectra were fulfilled
with a Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (Magna-IR 750, USA) to
identify and characterize the synthesized materials.a

Project Information


Industry:Batteries and Fuel Cells

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Fuel Cells,Fuels,Batteries and Fuel Cells,Biofuels,Iron,Metals - Magnesium ,

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