Laboratory Outsourcing and Scientific Sourcing Center

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Recent Laboratory Instruments Laboratory Requests

Contract Laboratory has received the following Laboratory Requests which need to be fulfilled! These Laboratory Requests are received from a variety of sources ranging from start-up companies to large, multinational Fortune 500 corporations, international organizations, well-respected universities and government agencies that are actively seeking Labs to perform their Laboratory and Scientific Research. If you need a Laboratory, please Submit a Laboratory Request. If you need assistance or have questions contact us. Please log in to see more.


Georgia-based research peptide distribution company needs a local third-party laboratory for routine purity, quantity, bacterial endotoxin, and heavy metals...

We are a Singapore-based medical device company developing an endoscope product. We are looking for a lab to assist us in performing H2O2 residuals te...

Laboratory Supplier needed for purchase of various laboratary testing instruments

Contract Laboratory needed for paint colors testing to get CIELAB, LCh, Munsell H/V/C and LRV notations using professional color measu...


Looking for supplies to start a blood-drawing business and their costs.

Experienced service technician needed to install or provide remote consultation on installation for a Waters Acquity HPLC; with a PDA and MS. Please provide qualificat...

USA Certified laboratory (for FDA clinical data submission) needed to perform fluorometric Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) analysis using...

Biotechnology Company needs USA Contract Analytical Laboratory for identification of unknown chemical that has appeared on one of their diagnostic test produc...

NIGERIA Laboratory equipment needed for our facility in a garri processing factory.

We are looking to purchase multiple laboratory instrument units:

- OMRON 10 Series Wireless Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor

- 3M Littmann Classic III Stethos...



BUDGET APPROVED ($1,000-$2,000)

USA Analytical material laboratory needed to measure fluorescence of polystyrene plastic labware s...

Contract laboratory (India-based preferred) needed for LC-MS services, including sample analysis and method development. Please share your pricing structure, timelines, and an...

BUDGET ($1,000-$2,000)
Laboratory needing laboratory supplier to purchase laboratory supplies.

Independent material testing facility needed to test a 316L (low carbon) stainless steel dowel pin for the presence of natural rubber latex, per ASTM D6499 (Standard T...

GMP independent laboratory needed for X-Ray Powder Diffraction (XRPD) for highly potent compounds.

INDIA research lab needed for performing HPTLC of plant extracts

Contract laboratory with Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS), UV, and HPLC-RI instruments needed for analytical services for one of our products.
If yes, we will discuss fu...

Third-party facilities that can run preparative HPLC purification and lyophilization for both nonGMP and GMP batches. We are looking for services in the rang...

Laboratory Supplier needed for quotes on LC and MS analytical instruments for small and large molecules.

20 units of MB120 Moisture Analyzer, 120 g x 0.001 g, 0.015%, needed.
We would appreciate it if you could send the quotation to us at your earliest convenience.
If you have...

Analytical chemistry laboratory needed for following Activated Carbon Testing by ASTM standards:
- Moisture Content (%)
- Carbon (%)
- Hydrogen (%)
- ...

MALAYSIA Medical device testing laboratory needed for e-beam sterilization of a non-sterile medical device.
We supplied the medical device as non-sterile and are requ...

USA Contract FDA laboratory needed as a new reference for either genetic testing or wellness testing (with things like hormones). We will need sam...

Looking to sell new, refurbished, and used laboratory products in Asia
BUDGET ($10,000-$25,000)

BUDGET APPROVED ($2,000-$5,000)
USA GLP Need lab space for mesenchymal cell culture growth and quality testing

US/NEW JERSEY Contract laboratory needed to measure Opticlear content in 20 samples of metal arbor we use in production.
Location - Arbor well;

Independent lab instruments testing facility needed to provide extractability & leachability data (including potential toxicity) of silicone rubber tube & on...

Space suitable for testing labs available to lease.
- Location: Main Delhi - Rohtak Road, Hisar (Haryana)
- Area: 300 sqft
- Dimensions: 9 ft x 33 ft
- Features: Fully fu...

Laboratory looking to purchase laboratory instruments/equipment and supplies (reagents, reference standards of calibration standards from reliable suppliers for their three te...

Contract Analytical Laboratory needed to image and analyze the structure of several carbon samples using scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
Can I quote and lead time to do ...

Contract laboratory needed to test the drug delivery for drug-eluting stents using HPLC.
Can you provide us with a quote for the same?

Singapore - Preparative Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography / Ion Exchange Chromatography (HIC/IEC) equipment needed on rent to analyze samples at a large scale as part of ...

Utah contract labs or facilities housing flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS) needed to install the correct ventilation system for a flame AAS we have.
We want to ...

Singapore only -- Food-grade pilot chromatography unit needed on rent for protein purification studies.

Independent instrumentation and lab informatics facility needed to install new software in Mircotrac S3500 particle size analyzer. We will be getting a new computer for the in...

Laboratory Supplier needed for laboratory looking to buy/source a variety of lab supplies, consumbables, reagents and lab instruments

Company wishes to purchase a new ICP 5800 (Inductively Coupled Plasma - Optical Emission Spectrometer) needed.
BUDGET APPROVED ($10,000-$25,000)

Indonesia-based independent service provider needed for Ethylene Oxide Sterilization.
BUDGET APPROVED ($5,000-$10,000)

Animal lab needed for medical device training course and R&D testing. Will need two lab stations with C-arms and classroom space for 25 people.
Looking for a location close ...

Dental device testing facility needed to test:
1. TF 1 Duralay Temporary Crown and Bridge
(ISO 4049:2019 Dentistry - Polymer Base and Restorative Materials)
Working tim...

FDA GMP Analytical laboratory needed to run three sucrose-fatty acid ester samples on GC-FPD (Gas chromatography flame photometric detection) per the USP Food Chemical...

Analytical facility/laboratory needed to perform calibration and validation services for analytical instruments.
We need professional assistance in calibrating and validating...

USA-based Analytical Chemistry lab needed to perform Direct Membrane Osmolarity testing on four samples of hydroxypropyl beta-cyclodextrin in water and salt solution per the F...

Calibration service providers and/or laboratories needed to provide quotes for data calibration on a UV Meter, UVA Spectrum with two detectors. Manufacturer is Dr. Honle AG, M...

Medical Device Laboratory needed for the following ISO performance testing of dental equipment.
? ISO 6877 2021 Dentistry ? Endodontic obturating
? ISO 3630-1 ENDODON...

Laboratory needs Indonesia-based Laboratory Supplier of new, refurbished or used ICP or XRF

ISO 17025 Accredited Medical Device Laboratory needed for ISO dental devices testing to comply with the following ISO Standards:
ISO 3630 Dentistry Endodo...

Contract Laboratory needed for REACH, PROP65, and RoHS of scientific products.

Interested in or want to see more Laboratory Requests?

If your Laboratory or Lab Supplier is interested in quoting or finding out more about the above Laboratory Requests or the many others that we have, e-mail us or view more Laboratory Requests