Laboratory Outsourcing and Scientific Sourcing Center

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Recent Bottles and Caps Laboratory Requests

Contract Laboratory has received the following Laboratory Requests which need to be fulfilled! These Laboratory Requests are received from a variety of sources ranging from start-up companies to large, multinational Fortune 500 corporations, international organizations, well-respected universities and government agencies that are actively seeking Labs to perform their Laboratory and Scientific Research. If you need a Laboratory, please Submit a Laboratory Request. If you need assistance or have questions contact us online or call toll free 1-855-377-6821. Please log in to see more.



CALIFORNIA / USA Consumer products laboratory needed for quality testing in recyclable aluminum water bottle products to sell them. We'l...

Bottles for soil sampling needed to determine soil purity and quality as part of a grant program that involves planting native trees and plants for food.

A global pipes, valves, and fittings (PVF) distributor's client needs 46 gas sample bottles but did not provide much information (other than they get them from Maxxam)
We (th...

Consumer Products Laboratory needed for testing new stainless steel (18-10) water bottle prototype to
- Lab test that complies with California Proposition 65 to ensure no h...

USA or Canada Packaging Laboratory needed for suitability testing of pasteurized caps on a carbonated beverage - specifically wine bottles with stelvin screw and ROPP caps. I...

Pharmaceutical Laboratory needed for USP assessment of leachable according to USP <1664>. Assessment of Drug Product Leachables Associated With Pharmaceutical Packaging/Delive...

Contract Analytical Chemistry Laboratory needed for extractable and leachable study testing of HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) bottle of our ophthalmic form...

Packaging Laboratory needed for testing bottle cap combinations for Moisture (Water) Vapor Transmission Rate MVTR and Oxygen Transmission Rate OTR to deter...

Large Manufacturer needs USA Physical Laboratory for visual inspection of flint cullet to determine % of CSP, color, between others. Each sample is approx 50...

Contract Laboratory needed for testing silicone bottles for kids. I need the product to be sold on Amazon, which requires Children's Product Certificate (CPC...

Food Contract Laboratory needed for carbonized soft drinks failure investigation testing on over 500 Pallets with some bottles popping out of their packaging.We would like to...

Contract Laboratory needed for Certificate of Conformity (COC) testing of PET bottles in order to be registered with SAUDI MADE.

Let me know the details of the tests requi...

Packaging Laboratory MVTR testing on aluminum bottles with a tin cap that was heat sealed and on a aluminum bottle with a plastic cap that has been pressur...

Pharmaceutical Packaging Laboratory needed for CRC container closure testing on bottles and do you offer a CRC for caps? I look forward to working with you...

Contract Laboratory needed to determine hazard class of a bottling facility for consumer products. Not combustible dust.

Packaging Laboratory needed for Beverage Bottle Burst pressure testing - ASTM C 147 for glass bottles with pre and post images to characterize the appearance.
1. What Materia...

USA Laboratory needed for certification testing of foil / paper liner used in aluminum cap.

Energy Company needs Contract Laboratory needed for permeation rate testing of CO2 through a 3 oz PET bottle. Just the bottle, not the bottle and our closure. Do you have any ...

Contract Laboratory needed for BPA levels testing in water bottles.

Packaging Laboratory needed for 661 and 667 testing for the following moisture vaporlight transmission O2 transmissionThis testing will be on an empty aluminum...

USA Contract Laboratory needed for phthalates free testing in PVC plastic liner of alcoholic beverage bottle of crowns.

USA Packaging Laboratory needed for contaminants testing in glass bottles and ink purchased from overseas.

USA LABORATORY (California Preferred)
Contract Laboratory needed for STYRENE and BPA testing from a part 2 epoxy resin (a 1 OZ bottle).

I would appreciate ...


Packaging Laboratory needed for packaging materials testing of multiple products. Please send your rate list for te testing of Corrugated Boxes, Flexible...

Manufacturer of metal bottle caps for glass bottles needs Independent Laboratory for sensory evaluation of caps.

Pharmaceutical Company needs Packaging Laboratory for FDA and MHRA 16CFR1700.20 testing to some HDPE bottles and caps.

This products are a Pharmaceutical drug product (Rx...

Cosmetics Company needs Packaging Laboratory for failure analysis for the cause of leakage from our product packed in bottles with caps to determine if the caps not the proper...

Packaging laboratory needed for complete packaging testing of 7 SKU's of products including: material testing, and benchmark packaging
Bottles: Drop test, seepage test, topl...

Laboratory needed for dietary supplement shelf life testing for expiration date on bottles that contains thiamine HCL , magnesium rice chelate oxide , L-Taurine , Feverfew her...

Packaging laboratory needed for bottles and caps testing for bottled water.

e-liquid company needs packaging laboratory for packaging teting of glass and LDPE Plastic bottles to Title 16, Part 1700.20, Testing procedure for special packaging.We have g...

Pharmaceutical Packaging Laboratory needed for child resistance packaging testing 10 and 15ml bottles with child resistant caps. To prove child resistance.

Pharmaceutical Packaging laboratory needed for packaging testing of finished pack 50cc and 100cc bottles for removal torque of CRC anf NCRC caps and seal integrity test.

Microbiology Laboratory needed for testing plastic caps used for drinking bottles. Need the caps tested for Standard Plate Count, Coliforms, Yeast & Mold.

Physical laboratory needed to test force required to open flip top cap on filled bottles of product and flip top caps on empty bottles.

Physical Laboratory needed for environmental stress crack resistance testing, via stack testing, for 1L PE bottles, approximate loadings 14-25Kg, 180 bottles (possibly 60 at a...

Pharmaceuticals laboratory needed for USP USP release packaging testing of HDPE bottles and caps and Rayon cottons

GMP, GLP, ISO Microbiology Laboratory needed for microbiology testing including total plate counts, yeast and mold, e.coli, salmonella and staphylococcus aureus testing on n...

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If your Laboratory or Lab Supplier is interested in quoting or finding out more about the above Laboratory Requests or the many others that we have, call us at 1-855-377-6821, e-mail us or view more Laboratory Requests