Laboratory Outsourcing and Scientific Sourcing Center

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Recent Remediation Laboratory Requests

Contract Laboratory has received the following Laboratory Requests which need to be fulfilled! These Laboratory Requests are received from a variety of sources ranging from start-up companies to large, multinational Fortune 500 corporations, international organizations, well-respected universities and government agencies that are actively seeking Labs to perform their Laboratory and Scientific Research. If you need a Laboratory, please Submit a Laboratory Request. If you need assistance or have questions contact us online or call toll free 1-855-377-6821. Please log in to see more.

USA Contract chemical testing laboratory needed for testing a rodent repellant spray and a gopher hole remediation product to verify claims...

USA LABORATORY (California Lab Preferred)
Students need USA Environmental Laboratory for bioremediation solution using mushrooms for breaking down petroleum hydrocarbons. The...

Graduate Research Assistant needs Analytical Laboratory for biopolymer samples characterization testing designed for soil remediation using t...

CALA Environmental Laboratory needed for 170-200 soil samples testing later this summer (July - early Sept). Soil sampl...

USA Contract Laboratory needed for research project consisting of testing new methods for waterborne CBRN detection and mitigation 1). Test for waterborne pa...

USA Environmental Laboratory needed for soil organic carbon testing for an agroforestry project We need to extract soil samples to determine...

USA LABORATORY (Northeast Preferred)
Environmental Laboratory needed that is certified in NJ for EPA Test Methods TO15, 8260C, ...

Contract Laboratory needed for materials testing against ASTM F726-81 Standard Test Method for Sorbent Performance of Adsorbents for use on Crude Oil and Related Spills

Environmental Laboratory needed for soil testing that are on agricultural land to determine if it can be farmed after oil spill. They were left there by an oilfield company ...

New York State Environmental Lab Approval Program Laboratory needed for testing sample of alpha Diethanoamine waste for pH, flash point, Total Suspended Solids, and TOTALS an...

LONG-TERM TESTING Contract Laboratory needed for CBD Oil purification/removal of THC from high % CBD Distillate by chromatography. Upwards of 2,000 input kilo grams of input m...

Engineering Firm needs Analytical Chemistry Laboratory for IEC Testing of earth enhancing chemical compound as per IEC 62561 including
1) Leaching Test

2) Det...

UK geology laboratory needed for clay testing for suitability for end uses as clay bricks, tiles, ceramics etc. Scope of testing to include:

Stage 1

An initial gradient...

Environmental laboratory needed for radioactivity testing of soil
a. Gamma Spectrometry (direct measurement) - product must emit less ionising radiation than the global medi...

Environmental microbial laboratory needed for testing of a bioremediation agent according to EPA standards sub part J, appendix C part 300 using gas chromatography / mass spec...

Remediation Company needs Environmental Microbiology Laboratory needed for algae testing. test for Astaxanthin and pheophorbide in red Algae.

India EPA certified laboratory needed for EPA Efficacy Testing for a Bioremediation product. Product is used for Bioremediation of crude oil spills tested according to US Envi...

Large engineering company needs Environmental Microbiology Laboratory for bioremediation testing: microbial testing of hydrocarbon impacted soils using bioremediation. We woul...

ENvironmental Toxicology needed for bioremediation pilot test with specific microbial strain types provide testing efficiency of specific microbial strains and their effects o...

Large Mining Company needs site assessment service for landfarming and bioremediation project to treat hydrocarbon contaminated soil/sludge from Oil water separator and hydroc...

USA Environmental Toxicology Laboratory required to test remediation product for flathead minnow LD 50

FDA GMP / GLP Microbiology laboratory needed for microbial identification on mixed culture of bacteria, fungi and yeast for a bioremediation application. We would like genus/...

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If your Laboratory or Lab Supplier is interested in quoting or finding out more about the above Laboratory Requests or the many others that we have, call us at 1-855-377-6821, e-mail us or view more Laboratory Requests