Laboratory Outsourcing and Scientific Sourcing Center

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Recent Microscopy and Imaging Laboratory Requests

Contract Laboratory has received the following Laboratory Requests which need to be fulfilled! These Laboratory Requests are received from a variety of sources ranging from start-up companies to large, multinational Fortune 500 corporations, international organizations, well-respected universities and government agencies that are actively seeking Labs to perform their Laboratory and Scientific Research. If you need a Laboratory, please Submit a Laboratory Request. If you need assistance or have questions contact us online or call toll free 1-855-377-6821. Please log in to see more.

BUDGET APPROVED ($25,000-$50,000)
Third-party material testing laboratory needed for SEM and TEM (scanning and transmission ele...

USA-based Independent clinical diagnostic lab needed for testing preserved human blood, urine, and/or vitreous matter to detect the presence of Tetrodotoxin or Cyanide.
I'm a...

Chemical company needs Contract Laboratory to determine critical micelle concentration, interfacial tension, Zeta Potential and SEM Imaging if possible with...

Large Pharma needs Laboratory for Fluorescence microscopy

Materials Laboratory needed for Surface Characterization Tests for granular activated carbons including SEM-EDS Analysis, BET Surface Area
BET Surface Area - Micropore and me...

START-UP Biomedical Imaging Laboratory needed for cadaver imaging & experimental testing focused on the computational biomedical engineering, involving imaging-based 3D virtua...

Bioanalytical Laboratory needed grow Human Primary Trophoblast cells with serum and without serum for varying amounts of time (0, 24hrs, 48hrs, 72hrs, and 96hrs). Then immunof...

Life Science company needs laboratory for NMR spectras to help determine if there are steroimpurities. Spectras at NMR: 1H-13C HSQC 400-500MHz. We need one spectrum at room t...

Materials laboratory needed for powder coatings testing applied to metal panels. The topography and texture of powder coating surfaces to image and quantify roughness and iden...

Metallurgical laboratory needed for micro structure study of differing layers of zinc on zinc-coated reinforced bars (re bars).

Materials science laboratory needed for SEM imaging for mineral identification looking for tellurium presence.


Analytical Laboratory needed for XRD and XRF microscopy and imaging: 6 XRD, 6 XRF and cut 12 thin sections with photographs of the thin section.

Materials laboratory needed for ASTM testing for fire extinguisher compliance and safety testing to meet AHRI standards using the following guidelines:

- Purity (according ...

Geochemistry laboratory needed for olivine testing: LA-ICP-MS mass spectrometry analysis - melt inclusion of trace, and elemental testing of olivine crystals.

Pharmaceutical analytical chemistry laboratory needed for particle size analysis using a Malvern Zetasizer ZS90 with the red laser and a stray-light filter.

Materials Laboratory needed for ASTM Testing of Carbon Black as perASTM D3849 TEM determination of carbon black particle and aggregate size.

Metallurgical laboratory needed for stainless steel and an oxide powder testing using Atomic Emission Spectroscopy ICP AES.

Civil Engineering firm needs materials laboratory for concrete and banana fiber physical testing and SEM analysis:

Pharmaceutical company needs microscopy imaging laboratory for PXRD analysis in Transmission mode

Generic drug manufacturer needs laboratory for XRD analysis

University needs industrial hygiene laboratory for solid waste management worker monitoring testing: Hair and nail samples for: HEAVY METALS (LIKE MERCURY, CADMIUM, ARSENIC. ...

International biotech company needs: Bioanalytical assay development for PK analysis of glycosaminoglycan of in vivo plasma sample

Large University in India needs laboratory with Bioassay capability for cytotoxicity study(apoptosis) using cell Hela cell lines for synthetic compounds by Tryphan blue dye me...

Analytical chemistry Laboratory needed for dietary supplement testing of organic moringa oleifera leaf & seed powder for
Gross organoleptic analysis
Microscopic analysis

Cytology laboratory needed for TEM imaging of 4 leishmania cell samples and I need to have TEM images of all of them.

University Medical Researcher needs need Canada cytology laboratory for cell karyotype testing for research purposes. Please specify costs and how to prepare the samples.

Contract laboratory needed for clay analysis on clay mineral content by XRD ANalysis. For X-ray analysis, particle size analysis will be carried out on each sample to separat...

Laboratory needed for X Ray diffraction of raw tissue as teeth and bone

Europe University Researcher needs histology laboratory for Immunohistochemistry for CD52 on a tissue slide (paraffin-embedded, formalin fixation.

Contract Laboratory needed for microscopy on polymers for comparisons with image & measurements obtained with a Laserlec Optilec H1200 confocal microscope. Appears imaging s...

Polymer Laboratory needed for TEM for Determining the difference in crystalline in plastic parts with different colorants using TEM

Metallurgical laboratory chemical analysis (ICP analysis) to be carried out on crushed and grinded catalyst converter powder. Extensive test is needed to show grams of each m...

Materials laboratory needed for rubber testing for Hexane extract, Thermal analysis (DSC, DMA, TGA) , EDX analysis (REM) of the material for heavy metals (Pb, Cr-VI, Hg, Cd), ...

LONG-TERM: Preclinical CRO Immunology/Histology Laboratory needed for Non-GLP histological processing from buffered formalin fixed tissues (human and animal, size 6 mm diamet...

FDA GLP laboratory needed for pharmaceutical testing: Cryo TEM analysis of liposomal injections

LONG-TERM TESTING Nutraceutical laboratory needed to analyze various probiotic supplements: 4-5 different probiotic brands per week for: probiotic viability, probiotic content...

Geology laboratory needed for Geochemistry Analysis on stones including crushing and x rayfor the chemical compound for mineral identification

US FDA approved analytical chemsitry laboratory needed for for XRD,DSC and Palladium in active drug substance.

Non-Destructive NDT Laboratory needed to provide a quote for the failure analysis of a failed CW pump bolts.

We require doing the following testing:

? Digital photogr...

Medical Device company needs laboratory for staining with Toluidine-blue on our samples (hydrogels) and pictures (5x, 10x and 50x) magnification.

India engineering services company needs microscopy laboratory for TEM Analysis for ASBESTOS DETECTION.

Asia company needs laboratory for microscopic testing of tube and shell type heat exchanger used in Liquified petroleum gas

INdia pharmaceutical company needs laboratory for X-ray diffraction XRD analysis

Microscopy Imaging Laboratory needed for Scanning Thermal Microscopy on rock samples.100nm or sub-100nm resolution is required.

USA Laboratory needed for microscopy and imaging to visualize localization of a detection probe to low levels of antigen on the surface of a target cell

Microscopy and imaging non-destructive materials laboratory needed for Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) Analysis color SEM images? Is there any other technique which can pr...

Eastern USA FDA GLP-compliant preclinical laboratory needed to perform pre-clinical research using an in vitro micronucleus assay using human peripherical blood lymphoctes.

California UL certification laboratory needed for UL Certification testing: UL Field Label Test and Certification.
1 each Cellvizio® Confocal Endomicroscopy system for GI en...

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