Aluminum Salts & Substances Chemical Behavior Analysis
Project Description
We would like to assess the behavior of aluminum chloride basic, aluminum sulfate, aluminum chlorohydrate, and aluminum chloride hydroxide sulfate in the following solutions:
- Gamble's Solution
- Hatch's Solution
- Artificial Lysosomal Fluid
- Artificial Gastric Fluid, and
- Phosphate-Buffered Saline.
Specifically, we are interested in understanding how these substances behave under conditions that mimic human physiological environments, both in the lungs (inhalation) and stomach.
Our focus is to assess their solubility, stability, and any potential changes in their chemical form under these conditions.
We aim to understand how these compounds interact with physiological fluids and whether any transformations occur when exposed to different pH levels. We are only interested in evaluating the interaction and behavior of these compounds in the given mimic fluids, rather than in cell line interactions.
Project Information