Laboratory Test Request

Honey Testing for Pharmacologically Active Resides

Project Description



AFRICA / KENYA Laboratory needed for honey testing for pharmacologically active substances:

- A2(a)Chloramphenicol

- A2(b)Nitrofrurans

- A2(c)Nitroimidazoles

- A2(d)Other Group 2 substances

- A3(b) plant protection products and biocides

- A3(c) Unauthorised antimicrobials

- A3(f) Anti-inflammatory substances

- B1(a)Antimicrobials
Indicate the method, parameters, limit of quantification LOD, accreditation status, and quantity of sample needed for analysis in the quotation.

Project Information


Industry:Bees and Honey

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Agriculture,Bees and Honey,Flavors and Flavorings,Food,Food Ingredients,Sugars and Sweetners,Syrups

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