United Food Labs LLC
Interested in working with
United Food Labs LLC?
We are a full service ISO certified laboratory and we have locations throughout the United States. Our locations are in California, Washington, South Carolina, Connecticut, and Florida. Some of the tests we specialize in are shelf life testing, food safety testing, validation studies, heavy metals, allergen testing, micro analyses testing, nutritional analysis, nutrition facts labels, FDA compliance.
Standards & Methodologies
United Food Labs LLC has not posted any Methodologies at this time.
Qualifications, Certifications, Accreditations & Licenses
United Food Labs LLC has not posted any Certifications, Accreditations or Licenses at this time.
Lab Gallery
United Food Labs LLC has not posted any images.
Industries Served
- Acids
- Agriculture
- Alcoholic Beverages
- Alcohols
- Animal Feed
- Animal Health
- Animals - Equine
- Antfiungals
- Anti-Bacterials
- Anti-Bacterials
- Anti-Microbials
- Beverages
- Beverages - Juices
- Beverages - Soda and Carbonated
- Beverages - Sports Drinks
- Bouillons, Soups and Gravies
- Caking and Anti-Caking Agents
- Candy and Confectionaries
- Cannabinoid Product - Food
- Cannabinoid Product - Pet Food
- Cannabinoid Product- Cosmetics
- Cannabis Edibles
- Canned Food
- CBD Oil
- Cereals
- Cereals, Grains and Rice
- Cheeses
- Chocolate, Cocoa, and Cacao
- Coffee and Tea
- Colorants
- Combustion
- Consumer Packaged Goods ( CPG )
- Consumer Products
- Cooking and Cookware
- Cosmetics
- Crude Oil
- Desserts
- Dietary Supplements and Nutraceuticals
- Dips, Dressings and Sauces
- Energy Drinks and Bars
- Essential Oils
- Ethanol
- Fats, Oil, and Oilseeds
- Fermented Food
- Fish and Seafood
- Flavors and Flavorings
- Flours
- Food Additives
- Food and Beverage
- Food Contact Surfaces
- Food Grade Lubricants
- Food Ingredients
- Food Supplements
- Freezers and Freezing Products
- Freshwater Fish
- Frozen Food
- Fruit Trees
- Fruits and Vegetables
- Functional Food
- Grains
- Hemp
- Hemp - Pre-Harvest
- Herbs and Spices
- Infant and Baby Food
- Infant Formula
- Inorganic Chemicals
- Inorganic Polymers
- Kratom
- Labels and Labeling
- Laboratories or Research Facilities
- Laboratories or Research Facilities
- Laboratory Equipment
- Low Acid Canned Food (LACF)
- Meal Kits
- Meats and Poultry
- Metallic Powders
- Metals
- Metals - Aluminum
- Metals - Bronze
- Metals - Carbon Steel
- Metals - Cobalt
- Metals - Copper
- Metals - Gold
- Metals - Lead
- Metals - Magnesium
- Metals - Nickel
- Metals - Palladium
- Metals - Silver
- Metals - Tin
- Metals - Tungsten
- Metals - Zinc
- Milk and Dairy
- Mineral Oils
- Minerals
- Mushrooms and Fungi
- Nutritional Bars
- Organic Food
- Organic Polymers
- Organic Products
- Packages and Packaging
- Packaging (Sterile)
- Packaging - Bottles
- Packaging - Bulk
- Packaging - Cans
- Packaging - Cartons
- Packaging - Child-Resistant
- Packaging - Closures
- Packaging - Flexible
- Packaging - Pouches
- Packaging - Recycled
- Packaging - Reuseable
- Pasta
- Pesticides, Herbicides and Insecticides
- Pet Food
- Phytochemicals
- Phytotoxins
- Polyethylene (PE)
- Prepared Meals
- Preservatives
- Protein Powders
- Proteins and Peptides
- Restaurants
- Salts
- Seaweed, Seamoss and Seagrasses
- Seeds and Seedlings
- Snackfoods
- Soft Drinks
- Sugar-Free Food
- Sugars and Sweetners
- Syrups
- Thickeners and Thickening Agents
- Vegan and Vegetarian Food
- Vegetable Oils
- Vitamins and Minerals
- Wine, Beer, and Liquor
Testing Types
- Accelerated Aging Stability Studies
- Acetic Acid Bacteria
- Acrylamide
- Aerobic Biodegradation
- Aerobic Mesophilic Bacteria
- Aerobic Plate Count
- Aflatoxins
- Alcohol
- Alcohol Content
- Alcohol Content by Volume (ABV)
- Alcoholic Content
- Alcohols
- Algae
- alkaloids
- Allergen
- Allergens
- Anaerobic Plate Count
- anti-microbial
- Ascorbic Acid
- Ash
- Bacillus
- Bacteria
- Bacterial Load
- Beta Glucan
- Caffeine
- Caking
- Calcium
- California Proposition 65
- Calories
- Calorific Value
- Cannabidiols CBD
- Cannabinoid or cannabis testing
- Cannabinoids Profiling
- Carnobacterium
- Chlorophyll
- Coliforms, Total
- Copper
- Crude Fat
- Crude Fiber
- Crude Protein
- DNA Profiling
- DNA Quantification
- Enzymatic Assays
- Enzyme Activity
- Escherichia coli
- Essential oils
- Ethane
- Ethanol
- Ethanol
- Ethers
- Fat (Crude)
- Fats, Omega Fatty Acids
- Fatty Acid
- Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME)
- Fatty Acid Profiles
- Fatty Acids
- Fiber (Crude)
- Fiber Analysis
- Fiber Count
- folic acid
- Food Accelearated Aging Stability Studies
- Food Acid Insoluble Ash
- Food Additives
- Food Aflatoxins and Myclotoxins
- Food Agricultural Residues
- Food Allergens
- Food Amino Acids Profiles
- Food and Beverage Alcohol Content
- Food and Salt
- Food Anti-oxidants
- Food Aseptic Process Validation
- Food Ash
- Food Baking Trials
- Food Caffeine
- Food Calories
- Food Carbohydrate
- Food Chemistry
- Food Colorants
- Food Contamination
- Food Dyes
- Food Fats
- Food Fatty Acids
- Food Fragrances
- Food Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS
- Food Genetic Marker
- Food Gram Staining
- Food Headspace Gases
- Food Ingredient
- Food Listeria Monocytogenes
- Food Lycopene
- Food Microbial
- Food Microbial Aerobic Plate Count
- Food Microbial Anaerobic Plate Count
- Food Microbial Bacillus Cereus
- Food Microbial Challenge
- Food Microbial Culture Identification
- Food Microbial Fecal Coliforms
- Food Microbial Heat Resistant Mold
- Food Microbial Lactic Acid Bacteria
- Food Microbial Lactobacillus
- Food Microbial Pathogen Screening
- Food Microbial Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
- Food Microbial Salmonella
- Food Microbial Shigella
- Food Microbiology
- Food Minerals and Heavy Metals
- Food Moisture
- Food Net Weight of Product
- Food Nitrogen
- Food Nutritional Facts Labeling
- Food Off-flavors
- Food Off-odors
- Food Organic Acid Profile
- Food Packaging Baseweight
- Food Packaging Extractables
- Food Packaging Leachables
- Food Pesticides Residue
- Food Polyphenolics
- Food Preservative Efficacy
- Food Real Time Stability Studies
- Food Safety / HAACP
- Food Source
- Food Sulfites
- Food Thermal Death Time (TDT)
- Food Thermal Modeling Studies
- Food Total Coliforms
- Food Total Dietary Fat
- Food Turbidity
- Food Vitamins
- Food Water Activity
- Food Yeast and Mold
- Foodborne Pathogens
- Free Fatty Acid
- Free Fatty Acids (FFA)
- Gas Chromatography
- Gas Chromatography/Flame Ionization Detection (GC/FID)
- Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS)
- Genetically Modified Organism (GMO)
- Glycerol
- Glycine
- Glycols
- Hazardous Air Pollutant (HOP)
- Heavy Metals
- Herbicides
- Identification
- Immunoassays
- Impurities
- Impurity
- ingredients
- Iron
- Ketones
- Labeling Claims
- Lactobacillus
- lactobacillus
- Lactobacillus acidophilus
- Lactose
- Lead
- Listeria
- Lysine
- Microanalysis
- Microbial Contamination
- Microminerals
- Micronutrients
- Microorganisms
- Mold
- Mycotoxins
- Nickel
- Nitrites
- Nitrogen
- non-fat
- Non-GMO
- Nutrients
- Nutritional
- Nutritional Labeling
- Nutritional Value
- nutritonal facts panel
- Oil Analysis
- Omega 3 Quantification
- Organic
- Organic Acids
- Organic Chemistry
- Package Integrity
- Package Stability
- Packaging Analysis
- Paraffins
- Peroxide Value (PV)
- Pesticide Residuals
- Pesticide Residues
- Pesticides
- pH
- pH value
- Phenols
- Phlalates
- Phosphate
- Phosphates
- Phosphorous
- Plate Count
- Polyphenols
- Potassium
- Potency
- Preservative
- Preservative Analysis
- Preservative Challenge
- Probiotic
- Probiotics
- Process Chemistry
- Process Development
- Process Optimization
- Processed Sugar
- Product Claims Support
- Product Comparision
- product comparison
- Product Cycling
- Product Development
- Product Labeling
- Protease
- Protease Profiling
- Protein
- Protein (crude)
- Protein and Peptide Analysis
- Protein Binding Studies Protein Binding
- Protein Content
- Protein digestibility corrected amino acid score (PDCAAS)
- Protein Stability
- Proteins
- Proximate Analysis
- Proximate Analysis (Moisture, Ash, Volatile Matter, and Fixed Carbon)
- Proximates
- Quality Control
- Rancidity
- real time stability studies
- Real-Time Stability
- Real-Time Stability Studies
- Resequencing
- Residual DNA
- Residual Matter
- Residues
- Risk Analysis
- Salmonella
- Salmonella SPP
- Salmonella Test
- Salt
- Salt Content
- Saturated Fat
- Selenium
- Sensory Analysis
- Sensory Evaluation
- Sensory Studies
- Shelf-Life Studies
- Shigella
- Silica
- Sodium Chloride
- Solubility
- Solubles
- Solution Stability
- Spectroscopy
- Spoilage
- Staphylococcus
- Staphylococcus aureus
- Sterols
- Sucrose
- Sucrose and Glucose Percentages
- sugar profile
- Sugars
- Sulfate
- Sulfites
- Sulfites. Nutritional Value
- Sulfur
- Tartric Acid
- Temperature Cycling
- Thermal Analysis
- Thermal Stability
- Thermal Vacuum
- Thermophilic Aerobic/Anaerobic Bacteria Counts
- Thermophilic Aerobic/Anaerobic Spore Counts
- Titanium Dioxide (TiO2)
- Total fat
- Total Solids
- Total Suspended Solids (TSS)
- Ultraviolet
- Ultraviolet (UV) Transmission
- Vacuum Food Thermal and non-thermal process efficacy
- Water Activity
- Water Solubility
- Yeast
- Yeast and Mold
- Zinc
United Food Labs LLC has not posted any publications.
DISCLAIMER: This Laboratory Profile was provided by the company above.